Arrangement of an L-shaped living room

L-shaped living room

In an L-shaped living room, it is possible to create 2 different spaces, one in each corner.

For example, you can set up a small lounge area where you place an XXL sofa, a TV stand and a coffee table . In the other corner of the room, we install a dining room with a beautiful round table, chairs and a piece of furniture such as a sideboard .

You can also have fun creating two different decorations; a modern style for the dining room, a bohemian chic living room decoration for example.

To arrange an L-shaped living room and obtain a visually pleasing result, it is better to choose square or round furniture and avoid long furniture.

Curves bring softness and conviviality, but a round space is very difficult to arrange. It is important to respect the shape of the room and opt as much as possible for circular furniture (round table, round seats, contemporary round stands , etc.) or curved.

On the contrary, to blend the kitchen room into the living room, opt for light shades or colors in harmony with the rest of the space.

For a minimalist decor, install a bar and a few stools to separate the two rooms.

To create an industrial living room , install canopies or sliding doors for a more classic style.

Is your living room large, very large? Wondering how to arrange the furniture in the living room? The layout of a living-dining room of 20m2 , 30m2 or 40m2 is not always easy.

Indeed, it is not easy to fill such a space without overdoing it or without it appearing totally empty. As for the L-shaped living room, all the space must be used by creating 2 main atmospheres: a small TV area and a dining area.

The important thing is also to arrange the furniture well. For example, we avoid sticking all the furniture against the walls and we leave space between the furniture.

We invest the walls by hanging mirrors, paintings and small living room shelving units . You can also choose to split the room in two using canopies or decorative screens.

In order to visually enlarge the space and give an impression of depth to your living room, bet on colors.

For example, paint one section of the wall a cool shade (light green, shades of pastel blue or ice blue, red, orange or yellow) and leave the other walls white.

Feel free to use mirrors that bring brightness and depth. To save space, concentrate the wall decoration on the back wall of the living room or use a panoramic or patterned wallpaper .

As for storage, use every nook and cranny: under the stairs, multifunctional furniture, behind the sofa, etc.

It is not always easy to arrange a high ceiling . Here are some tips for taking advantage of such a beautiful volume!

To optimize the space, think about fitting out storage in height by installing, for example, a bookcase on an entire section of the wall. Functional and aesthetic, a bookcase offers ample storage space for your books, accessories and other belongings and adds style to your living room.

Always choose tall furniture and be sure to leave space for free movement.


We consider a low ceiling height below 2.60 meters and when the light is so low that the space seems smaller.

Decorating this type of space is not easy, but don’t panic! No need to embark on major and expensive work to create space in a living room with low ceilings, there are a few tricks! You can play with colors by opting for cool tones that give depth or use wallpaper with vertical patterns. You can also mark the bases, use mirrors and choose low furniture

Distinguish the bases: nothing better than color to create a feeling of height! The eye is drawn to the color and instantly forgets about the small volume of the room. Light green, dark blue or yellow are an option.

Install curtains: no, they will not overload the room! On the contrary, this decorative accessory turns out to be an asset to give a feeling of height to the living room. Just choose a model that will work the entire height of the wall, and not just the size of your openings. This will have the effect of visually stretching the volume.

First of all, be sure to position the furniture correctly, starting with the sofa that you will install against the bay window.

The television should be installed perpendicular to the bay, while paying attention to the light to see the TV clearly during the day.

The advantage of a bay window is obviously the natural light that enters the room. However, a little privacy is essential. Think carefully about the types of curtains you want to put up! For a modern and trendy decor, opt for rigid panels or Venetian blinds in a dark (brown, black, gray) or light (white, cream) color.

Modular furniture is a clever solution, especially in a small living room.

On the decorative side, the idea is to cultivate the atypical aspect of the space and it is important that the decoration is bright. We advise you to favor a light color (satin or shiny finish) on the wall to bring depth.

To further enlarge the room, opt for mirrors: round, xxl or placed on the floor, they will bring a little something extra to your stay.

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